Alcohol Is Ruining Your Health

5 min readDec 10, 2020

As the name speak for itself the word is of Andalusian Arabic origin (al Kuhl) means body eating spirit.

Alcohol and Negativity

It is used to extract the soul essence of any entity. Whenever we consume alcohol or do any kind of immoral act the evilness inside that entity prevail thus being more superior it drives us towards evil deeds and make the body to commit such crimes and sins that create violence in the society.

It’s just like when a body is possessed by an evil spirit and it has so much dominance on that body that the man has no control over himself forcing him to harm the neighboring entities. Just like that when you drink alcohol, your blacked out, now the body is under the influence of something evil and thus you can hurt anyone near you.


This Alcohol extracts the very essence of the soul and makes us loose our natural jurisdiction, unable to distinguish between good and evil, in the state of drunkenness, we can’t differentiate between right and wrong and become more vigorous causing harm to the people around us.

Now will you still be addicted to such deleterious toxin? It’s a slow poison feeding you from inside. You still debate that it only harms when consumed in immense amount? or that you quaff it to relax, socialize, or to celebrate?

Do We Require Alcohol In Our Diet?

You should know it’s a drug and a depressant and we don’t require alcohol to stay alive. It doesn’t need to be a part of our diet and the potential to become addictive of such toxin is possible to anyone.

According to the National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA), in the United States, 17.6 million people — about one in every 12 adults — abuse alcohol or are alcohol-dependent. Each year, an estimated 88,000 people — 62,000 men and 26,000 women — die from alcohol-related causes.

Of course there are some benefits of alcohol but the harmful and adverse causes outweigh and exceeds those few advantages.

Now if I discuss those diseases caused by alcohol. It may shock you a bit but it will help you understand, why is it called ‘the body eating spirit’ ?

Diseases And Other Problems Due To Alcohol

While talking about the diseases and harmful effects of alcohol let me apprise you about the type of cancers it can cause to originate in your body


It includes increased risk of breast, mouth, throat, esophagus, liver, and colon cancers. It can lead to cancers in the intestine.


It is clear that alcohol can cause various fatal injuries such as car crashes, fall and alcohol poisoning,

Driving while drunk has caused about 10,000 deaths per year in the US alone.

Mental Health problems

Alcohol affects the brain ’s communication pathways. Lessening the efficiency of our brain to remember things, making it harder for an addict to speak or making decisions.

Heavy drinking of alcohol often causes depression and dementia.

Physical health problems

It causes liver damage, heart diseases and anemia, which cause less production of red blood cells to move oxygen around, causing inflammation, and ulcers . Alcohol can kill liver cells, and lead to scarring called cirrhosis.

Name of some alcoholic diseases

  • alcoholic cardiomyopathy (heart disease)
  • alcoholic myopathy (muscle tissue disease)
  • alcoholic gastritis (inflammation in the stomach)


Alcohol causes — homicide, suicide, sexual assault violence.

Approximately 90 percent of rapes perpetrated by an acquaintance of the victim involve alcohol. About 43 percent of sexual assault events involve the victims being drunk; 69 percent involve alcohol use by the perpetrator.

In one-third of sexual assaults, the aggressor is intoxicated to alcohol.

Social problems;

Such as loss of productivity, family problems, relationship issues, and unemployment are a few aspects damaged by alcohol.

About 1 in 6 unemployed workers are addicted to alcohol or drugs. the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) reported a 180-billion-dollar loss in workplace productivity due to alcohol abuse and excessive its use.

Even though I have not stated all of those problems and adverse effects of alcohol and still there are many more diseases which are yet to be explained.

We Need To Stop It

The point of the discussion is that there is a necessity to stop consuming alcohol and spread its awareness. Alcohol is just a drug which damage specimens use to escape from their daily responsibilities. They need proper counselling in order to get rid of such an addiction.

All those people who have been properly counseled recall the past times as “Dark Times”.

While only 10 % of people suffering from alcohol addiction are saved from this intoxication through proper counselling but there is still more to do as there is lack of awareness among people.


Alcohol is a crucial topic that teens must be parented upon. Such toxin should never be adopted in life. As the only change it can impart you is a harmful one.

Proper counseling and rehabilitation must provided to such victims , So that they could live a healthy and satisfied life.

